New to anything laser and looking for a decent machine to improve my side business/hobby, I really want to buy anything i get cash without any sort of loan so that limits my price range. Over the past year i looked at cnc routers and 3D printers and right now laser seems to be my best bet for what i want to so and that is cut acrylic up to 3/4" engrave wood and cut it. So far i have looked around and i found something i really like but being new to the hobby i like to see what the internet thinks about it:

I like the idea of being about to cut thin metal in the future and i like the large bed size, also talking to the guy it seems to be more capable that that i need it for which allows me to always do more if i choose to.

With that being said, is this a good company? are there other lasers in the same range of ability for less in cost?

