Hey guys I've been having a problem with Mach3for a few days now that no one can seem to help with nor does it even really appear on the internet that on random movements in Mach3one of the three motors will lock up and make a screeching sound while the other two drag along their path. I was informed that the issue may have been my OS becuase i was on win7 so now I'm on winXP on a dedicated machinethat has never even connected to the internet and has nothing on it but Mach3, minesweeper, and windows media player (exaggeration for effect I've only installed Mach3but really not even internet drivers) and on my drivertest.exe i get a consistent "System Excellent"and I'm running at 25khz kernal speed, with all of my motor tuned velocities quite slow yet the problem persists. Fairly often on any given motor movement one more freezes begins to make a high pitched whir and the rest of the movement drags along until the program is manually stopped. Please help :drowning: any and all incite is appreciated