My MX3660 will not power up. Hoping someone can help me out.

So....... the story........... I was working on getting my machine ready to run a simple test program. Had to get it to read arc movements right. put the machine into e-stop and made changes. released the e-stop and reloaded the program, all was working right. Next I went to figure out how to put the Z axis to a certain position for manual TTS tool changes. put machine into e-stop again and went to get info from web. made change in one of the screens (Don't remember which one).

When I released the e-stop there was a flash from my control box. That's when I found the PSU was dammaged.

So I dug up the $$$ for a new PSU and got everything setup in a new control box that has more room to grow. But now the MX3660 will not power up at all. All LED's are dark!(nuts)

I did take the MX3660 apart to look for damage and saw none from when the old PSU blew.

Please, can someone advise me on what\where to look for issues in the MX3660. There is power up to it, I checked to make sure.
