Hello there. I just want to say this community has already been a great help to me learning my way around g-codes and the Haas control, and I hope you can help me now!

Anyway, I'm running a proven program to create a simple square pocket with a circular island. However, now the Hass Mini-Mill I'm using is milling a plain square pocket without an island at all. The finish pass at each z-depth follows the contour I want, but it already milled away what would have been the island. (Edit: The toolpath goes back and forth across the whole width of the pocket, just as if I were doing a plain one. It's not until the finishing pass that it follows the island's geometry...) This is extremely frustrating since I'm holding the correct finished part in my hand! So far it appears my cutter comp and geometry are still good, so I think it's either something in the G150 line or a machine setting. My instructor and another student looked at my code and we still couldn't figure it out. The code is as follows:

G54 G90 G20 G28
M06 T2 G43 H02 (0.25 DRILL)
G00 X1. Y1.
G83 G99 Z-0.25 Q0.02 R0.1 F14.
X1.25 Y0.5
G80 G00 Z1.
M06 T3 G43 H03 (0.25 ENDMILL)
G90 G00 X1.25 Y0.5
M03 S3500
G01 Z0. F18.
G150 P127 G41 Z-0.25 Q0.075 R0.01 J0.15 K0.01 D03 F18.
G40 G01 Z0.1
G00 Z1.
X1. Y1.


O00127 (G150 SUBPROGRAM v3)
(START G150 AT X1.25 Y0.5)
G01 X1.75
G02 X0.625 Y1. I0.375 J0.
G01 Y1.1

Note: The copy of my code that ran on the machine was erased, leaving copies on my computer and usb drive. I believe this code is exactly the same as what worked, but there is a chance I have an older, incorrect version.