Guys I looked through the forums and found nothing on drum sanders. They aren't normally cnc. I won't actually cnc this one either, but it needs some better accuracy.
I bought one of these and it arrived about a week ago.® --

I intend to use it on our stainless steel parts that come off the plasma cutter.
I use 304 SS and it has mill scale on it.
Here are the steps I currently use to finish these parts by hand. We use a 7" Dewalt grinder mounted in a vise to grind a bevel on the leading edge of the splitters and riving knives. We dress up the burnt edge a bit at this time too.

Then we move to a 6" x 48" belt sander. It is laying flat.
With gloves we sand the flat sides of these on both sides to get the scale off using 80 grit. That is very hard on the body. It takes quite a bit of down force to accomplish this. Then we move to a 1" x 30" belt sander and ease the sharpness off all edges.
Then it is back to the 6" x 48" belt sander with a 3M mesh belt to put a finish polish on them. Pheeew. Considering we do a bunch of these things every week, our necks and backs pay for it. ;(

Now to the project. The drum in this thing is very sloppy with regard to height.

Different spots on the table are different heights. That won't do. The machine weighs about 190 to 200 pounds, so a lot of cast iron hanging out there on nothing more than flat steel slides. You can easily lift up the outbound side.
What I want to do is use some linear rails in there instead. That will move the drum out a bit, but still leaves me room for the parts to be finished out. Anyone have any input as to what rails might hold about 80 pounds of cast iron rigidly enough to be more accurate?
I'm thinking 20 mm might be plenty. They probably won't be more than 10 or 12" long.
I'll know more when I get it apart.
I am also considering installing a third one on the outboard side. There will not be much call for a lot of adjustment with this. Probably no more than 1/4" of up/down travel will be needed.
Thanks for any advice or thoughts you might have.