A scam keeps surfacing time and time again. We would like to expose the “Novakon Sucks” website for the cheap tabloid that it is. Certain claims were brought forward on this independent website in which we have no opportunity to respond to or refute. The author and owner of this web site is a person by the name of Mr. Perry Kay. Mr. Kay has proceeded to create a long winded defamatory commentary about Novakon on his website and since there are no means to post any responses to defend ourselves, we will start by stating them here on this forum. It is our view that the website is an attempt to extort monies from us. Customers have asked us about this website for which we take this opportunity to voice our comments personally.

Let us start off by saying that this website states that it “might be FOR SALE” which is obviously an attempt to extort monies from us, since no one else would wish to buy a website with the “Novakon” name contained in its title. The website once contained an excerpt of an e-mail from a customer upset with a previous Novakon employee. We recently found out that this e-mail was originally submitted to Mr. Kay back in November 2011 from the same customer that we have been working with for years. Initially, this customer had a legitimate reason to complain about his problem. At that time, management for technical support was channeled through a single person. It is needless to say, negative feedback or details didn’t always reach the boss. Through the diligent efforts from our customer, he managed to reach the owner of Novakon to voice his dissatisfaction personally. He explained his grievance about his technical problem which was easily resolved with an exchange of e-mails, calls and Skype video conferencing. Novakon quickly solved his problem and had his mill up and running. This was corrected years ago. Since then, Novakon has changed the “employment structure” and now all e-mails are personally monitored by the owner of Novakon. This customer has requested the reference of his e-mail be removed from Mr. Kay’s website. It was recently removed and in its place, more derogatory and unsubstantiated comments were added.

Mr. Kay was at one time a Sherline dealer who has been eliminated as a representative from their company. It is interesting that on his website he recommends the Sherline CNC Mills as well as posting derogatory comments about the Novakon CNC Mills.

Further details of our efforts to appease Mr. Kay are stated in the following CNCzone post for reference:

Previous CNCzone post by Novakon

It is worthy to point out that Mr. Kay waited 11 months after receiving his CNC mill before uncrating it. Novakon made every reasonable effort to satisfy Mr. Kay’s demands. We are of the opinion that Mr. Kay fabricated many of the problems he is stating and his motives are to get a refund for his mill as well as additional extorted monies from Novakon for his website to be taken down. At some point one draws a line and says “enough is enough”. With that being stated, Novakon has ended its efforts to appease Mr. Kay. We wish to be very clear and state that we will never bow to Mr. Kay’s extortion. We are certain that doing so would only further encourage his scam.

Novakon apologizes to its current and future customers for the inconvenience and confusion this scam has caused. We will continue our commitment to enhance and support the Novakon products in the manner in which our customers expect and deserve. Nothing and no-one will deter us from our goal in providing quality machines at reasonable prices!