Hi there I've been browsing this forum for a few years. I've had a couple CNC machines. My first one was a buildyourCNC book machine that my brother gave me to play around with. After that I bought a Grizzly G8689 and converted it to CNC with a CNCFusion kit.

I ended up selling the X2 a year or so ago because of finances etc and I've been wanting another mill for some time... I've searched and searched but nothing I've found does what I want it to do... and as a DIYer I wanted to build my own machine. Soooo I've started my Search and started buying parts.

I'm basing this machine off of other DIYers builds as I've found a few I like alot but wanted to change some things about the designs.

So here goes!...!

I'll update as parts come in and as i start assembly.