
This is good information about FlashCut. My first impression (from what I saw - I didn't actually try anything) was not positive. Years ago, I was at a trade show and their booth was demonstrating several Sureline tabletop 'toys' and I assumed they were just that. I see their web site also has round column mill/drills and this only reinforces my previous impression. Plus, the packaging of their electronics appears 'hobbyish' to me (I can see this may not be fair since Kflop doesn't include an enclosure at all - 'hobbyish' or not).

Since my first impression, I have not had reason to look any closer. Perhaps having a way to test things as a 'demo' such as MACH3 and EMC2 may have given them a chance to be considered, but I can see how that is difficult in their situation.

Based on your comments about your experience, my first impression seems inaccurate. So it is good to hear your experience.

One of the main attractions for me with MACH3 is the ability to make custom screen sets. I have made several custom features that are non-standard and have really streamlined my setup and use of MACH3. Are FlashCut screens customizable?

My next upgrade is likely to be Kflop since I can use it in conjunction with my custom MACH3 screens.