I have LC1490 power 120W from G-Weike, bougth in september 2012.
A few months ago it stopped halfway cut on paper, but continued moving until the end of the work.
The head continued to move and process the job but the laser wasn't firing. The Ammeter display on the front of the machine doesn't read any amps.
I checked the power supply and laser tube and found that the fan is not working, but the lights go well when I press the red button.
The fan was stuck. I cleaned and lubricated fan. Now the fan works fine.
The laser tube glass looks well (not signt of broken), but do not have red ligth when I press the Laser button.
Electric resistance testing method: - the current should show over 30ma (like in video on youtube - Laser tube problem or Laser powersupply problem).
I was convinced that was broken laser tube. I ordered a new tube as well as a new source.
I changed the first source and "SURPRISE": - old laser tube firing (the new one is still sealed in the box).
Old laser tube is Reci W4 - 120W and new power supply is DY -13.
But i have another problem: laser firing continuously.
I pressed buttons: Stop, Datum, Test and laser don't stop firing.
I clicked "Start" button and lasers began last work of memory but cut continuously (even when they only had to move).
Finished work, stopped moving, but the laser continues to firing.
I cut the power because it could cause a fire.
I'm afraid to put new tube so as not to spoil it.
I think it is still good old tube.
Has anyone had this problem?
How to solve it?