I have my machine up and running an been sending chips all over my shop. I now need to clean up, but where is the fun in that?

I am changing around some of the hardware and plates, just generally fiddling with my set up. Per Hoss' suggestion, I am rebuilding my Z axis to eliminate a unsightly wobble in the pulley as a result of an off center flange the ball nut mounts to. I am just going to bore out a 13/16 hole thru the pulley and thread the top half in at 15/16 and then just mount the ball nut that way.

My question is if I can use a G73 cycle with a bimetal hole saw to bore out the center hole on the pulley. I did the first one by hand and what a pain that was. If I can't use a canned cycle, how would an experienced machinist go about boring a 13/16 hole in a steel pulley?

My second question is if anyone knows how to eliminate the binding problem on the Y axis of these little X2 machines? If I want to take the table apart for cleaning, or some modification, I have to factor in at least two hours of drinking around with the Y lead screw, hand winding it back and forth while I adjust everything so that it won't bind in the extreme + or - range. There has to be an easy way to support the back end of the screw so that it doesn't sag and bind when the table is fully forward, or twist and bind when it is fully back. I don't even want to go into the time wasted with the brass screw nut or the gibs!

My last question, for now, is if anyone has any idea why Mach3 arbitrarily decides to fault in the middle of a batch of code? I had checked all the diagnostics and it just tells me an estop was tripped. I push reset and start cycle and it will run fine. It is really a pain when you are doing a simple MDI run however and have to go back to zero and start over again.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to look and please be patient, we were all noobs once.
