Quote Originally Posted by smokediver576 View Post
Ummmmm.... Downloaded Fusion360 Trial. Launch - try to draw - crash, Launch - try to draw - crash, Launch - try to draw - crash...... again, again, again. Tried multiple times and never could get it to work. Very strange...... I think I'll be holding of unless they can point me in a direction of "why" it keeps crashing.

I haven't tried it yet, haven't had the time. Maybe that's why they extended the offer for the free upgrade to pro another month. I did use the Fusion 360 beta, I did have the occasional hiccup, but over all it worked well. It better get better, I already dropped my $300 for an annual. I figured it was worth a shot. The CAM was nearly the same as the HSM Express I tried with a student version of Solidworks, plus it had 3D. Was really pleased with HSM, but have no experience outside of it.

I would rather own software than do the subscription, but as much as I've been using the mill, I can't justify the outlay for some of the other options.