Hi all,

I'd like to use a Kflop+Konnect for a new router I'm building, as I've had success with the Kflop in the past.

However, something I believe is missing (not from the Kflop, but PC-based CNC controllers in general) is an array of physical buttons to use.

I would like to be able to replicate some button arrays like these two:


I would rather not make the button array myself, but will if required.

PoNET kbd48CNC
PoLabs make a CNC keyboard, but the communication method is something that is likely to be completely uncompatible with the Kflop.
I do, however, have a PoKeys that could serve as a proxy if that is a viable means of getting the job done.

If implementing something like in the photos above is possible, what is the best way to achieve it?

