Anyone have insight as to what causes this? The ripples I am referring to are on the flat side of the part. But now that I look at it, the chamfer has a ripple as well.

I roughed with a 1/2" 3Fl carbide 5000 RPM .25" DOC .1" WOC and left .005" for finishing pass. Finished with a 3/8" 3Fl, .375" DOC, .005" WOC, and I used GWizard to calculate the feed for a .001" chip thickness. I think it was something like 5000RPM and 38IPM.

My first thought is I need to go slower. But after some searching, people say this is rubbing and I actually need to go faster and aim for a thicker chip.

My understanding is that a finishing pass chip should have have a .001 for smooth finish. Roughing is .003 to .005 for our machines. Is this sounding right?