Hi Barry

Um - well, now we get technical. I had better point out that while I have spent some time tuning and playing with the G320X driver, I have no experience with the G320 driver. There are a whole lot more switches to play with on mine, and I did need to play with them.

If your driver is ringng, it usually means it has a bit too much overall gain. On the 320X there are some switches for that, and I had to change the overall gain down a couple of notches before I could get a sensible degree of control with the pots. However, the diagram you posted of the G320 does not sem to have gain switches. Hum ... OK, have you fiddled with (a technical term you understand!) the 'low inertia' jumper? Sadly, the manual makes no mention of that at all. Experiment: if the jumper is in take it out, etc.

My thinking here is that a low inertia motor takes less drive, so it may need less gain. Alternately, a low-inertia motor may respond faster, so it could oscillate more easily. Without a detailed expanation from Gecko,it's hard to say in advance what the label really means. But have a play with it.

In theory, turning the gain down and the damping up should deal with the ringing. In theory!
