Hi all.

I have recently changed my computer from one running windows xp to one running windows 7. Since then I have not been able to drip-feed my milling machine. I have investigated and checked my settings several times, and everything seems to be in order. I'm using the same cable so that should also be ok. Now there is only one setting I've not been able to set in windows 7 and I suspect it is where my trouble is located: the FIFO buffering. In xp I set that to low in order for drip-feeding to work, but there doesn't seem to be such an option with windows 7.

Does anyone know a trick to set this FIFO in windows 7? Or does anyone know how else to bypass this problem. I have tried lowering my baudrate step by step down to 110, but this only results in good drip-feeding until tool change. When the machine goes into the tool change macro, the PC does not stop sending information and so I get an alarm 87 in the middle of the tool change.

My machine is YANG Eagle SMV 1000 with Fanuc 0-MD, it is set to baudrate 2400, data bits: 7, stop bits: 2, Even parity, and handshaking Xon/Xoff. These settings have always worked in the past. My computer is running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 and settings match those of the machine.

I'm happy to provide more information if I have left something out. I hope someone can help me with this problem.
