it didnt work, since i cant figure out how to change the order of cutting in rolands srp player, im left with having to cut it using support and then with a jewlers saw cut the pieces out of clean the edges with a dremel, it seems like a huge pain in the neck that i was hoping to avoid but with even super glue not holding(maybe the heat effects the glue) then i have no choice....anyway, i have 20 of these little guys to cut so i was hoping that i didnt have to use still love to find out if i can mill the center first for future jobs but roland tech support is a nightmare and im just too busy, i would need a good 2 hours of hold time to get through!!!!... if anyone has this machine and can explain how i can mill the center first id appreciate it...even if after milling the center it pops out when milling the outside id be fine with that because it wouldnt pop out until its cut through and i could just file the edges and id have my part, the problem with milling the outside first is that when it pops out i dont have the option of filing the edges in the center because its popping out before it has a change to cut through ..