Hello all!

I`m hoping this will be a quick-fix for you wizards out there.

I made a simple part in solidcam to upgrade my homemade pcb router, and started milling it. The problem is that in solidcam everything is fine as far as the contour paths go, but on the final product, all the pockets are wider by 0.5 of the bit diameter on either side. It seems like it`s following the geometry chain line on the center of the bit rather than offsetting the path one half of the bit. now I DO have overlap set to 50%, but to my knowledge solidcam is smart enough to know I mean only whats INSIDE the pocket, and won`t overlap OUTSIDE the bounds of the pocket.

I should also mention that all the other dimensions are good (pocket depth, position, etc). My machine moves the perfect distances in all axis.

I`m convinced it has something to do with the overlap but i`m afraid to change it as my machine is made to mill pcbs not MDF, it`s already doing more than I intended.

Here are the measurements in case i didn't explain myself very well:


Hole diameter: 10mm
pocket operation with 4mm bit, overlap set to 50%

Actual hole diameter 12.70mm
2.7mm too much