I'm having trouble with using the Peck Drill operation. When I post process I get this error: "post processor error: "G83" at line 1 in Rule NPECK Syntax error".
The post processor is: "T_MachLatheRadius_V11" and the entry in PP file that is causing the error: :NPECK = { #N (G83.1) #Y #X #R #Q #IPLANE #F EOB }.
Apparently it doesn't like the G83.1 command because if I change it to G83 the error goes away. So far I've had no success getting pecking drilling to work with
Mach3 Turn. I've tried Deep Hole Drilling (G83) and Mach just skips over it. If anyone has any insight into what the problem could be in regard to the PP problem
or Mach not running G83 please let me know.
