So I am having an issue, after a tool change my machine wants to rapid on the G1. When I run the program through or if I just start and run the tool before the one with the problem it cuts my groove at rapid feed. If I start from the tool with the problem then it works fine. The top line pasted is the taping cycle that is before the problem, you can see the codes through the tool change, feeding into the part and starting the profile. What really confuses me is starting at the tool chamge (#5) it works just fine but running through the program or starting at the tool just before I run into this problem.

G98 G84 X-0.0049 Y-1.3572 Z-0.5 R0.1 P0 F0.0393
X2.4001 Y-1.3842
X0.9577 Y0.6485
G28 G91 Z0
G28 X0 Y0
N14 T5
G0 G90 G55 X1.02 Y-1.4369 M3 S6500
G43 Z2.5 H5 M8
G0 Z0.1
G1 Z-0.025 F26.
G2 X0.5428 Y-1.2602 I0 J0.7328 F32.5
G3 X0.2431 Y-1.6012 I-0.1478 J-0.1723
G1 X0.7915 Y-2.095