OK. I am working with the 80V drive. Here is what I found...

Motor Settings
Type: Brush DC
Motor pole count: 2
Max Peak current: 11490mA
Max continuous current: 10500mA
Current fault limit: 18500mA
Encoder resolution: 1000PPR
Motor Thermal Constant: 1580s
Invert encoder direction: NO (not checked)
Use Hall sensors: NO (not checked)

General Settings:
Motor control mode: Torque Mode
Drive pluse input mode: None/Indexer
Input filter: NO (not checked)
Limits: Motion fault Limit: 0
HV voltage upper limit: 90000mV
HV voltage lower limit: 20000mV

Trajectory planner:
Acceleration limit: 5
Velocity limit: 12000
Error recovery velocity limit: 200
Input scaling:
Multiplier: 50
Divider: 50
all other values were greyed out and therefore not reported.

Torque Tuning:
Torque P gain: 4000
Torque I gain: 200
Torque low pass filter: 1000Hz

The chart looks amazingly good with nominal difference between the torque target and the torque achieved. However, I'm perplexed by the fact that the axis doesn't move at all during this test. Is that correct? Perhaps I have a fundamental misconception about what we are trying to accomplish here. When I add the 'position target', it is flat line at 0, so clearly there is no commanded position. But, again, the chart looks good! Before we go on to the next tuning, I wanted to get some feedback on just what we did (even though it appears to be good).

Here are some other things I noticed... First, my voltage is a tad high still. I hooked my scope up to the HV line and I have about 2Vpp of noise with a Vmax of about 81 volts. I think I need to remove another coil on the secondary of the transformer. The 12VDC is riding at about 12.3V, which is fine.

One thing that was *very* odd is that I took a peak at the encoder count while I was in torque mode and it was moving wildly. I mean, zipping between things like -13000 and +1800. Oddly, when I tried Velocity Mode, the encoder was stable... Is this significant? I was not expecting the mode to alter whether or not GDTool would display the count properly but I've also come to question how buggy GDTool may be. It is possible that the behavior I observed is regrettable but not unexpected (?).

I wasn't sure what I should try to tune next so I just tinkered a bit. I tried Velocity Mode becasue it was the next in the General Setting list. I am waaaay off on tuning there and am hoping someone can give me a good "starting point". I did notice that my axis did seem to jog only one direction, though, so I'll probably have to put a battery on there to move it back before I do too much more testing. On the chart I see a step up and then a step down for the command velocity. The achieved looks like 60% of a *very* noisy sine way (hence the axis is probably moving over dominantly in one direction) and with about a 0.07s lag from the commanded velocity.

Montabelli.... You said "then go to the command section and see if you are able to tell it to move and get the proper response"... Can you describe this a bit? The GDTool manuals don't really describe how you can command a position. The only place I see to enter anything like this would be in the Event Log area but the SPI command is not something I see anything discussed.

One other very strange thing.... I seem to go through these episodes of sheer frustration wherein my connection to the VSD is very very flaky. GDTool will lose sync and I'll have to go through a complete power cycle to get it connected again... only to lose sync again. Grrr. Another bit of the mystery is that I will set the drive to, say, Torque Mode and then I'll do a 'import drive settings'.... Still in Torque Mode (good). But then GDTool will lose its connection and after I reestablish it, and reimport the current settings, suddenly the drive is in Velocity Mode. I'm not sure *what* the issue is. Bad computer, bad drive, bad FTDI-USB adapter? I don't think there is *that* much noise in the system to cause these issues... Argh!
