trying to rem;ember, if it was our puma 6 or puma 10... one had a built in tape reader and someone flipped a toggle switch in the reader door that was causing it not to take data...been 20+ years ago, maybe i was dreaming... might not hurt to look- know a lot of those had readers built in.

a lot of these machines also had the 'connection unit adapter'- a gold anodized box mounted above the upside down I/O card(s) with a bunch of blue wire wrap jumpers... if you are in a real pinch for a honda plug:

theres a bunch of unused pins in there, look at the wire wrap side, you see the way they assembled them was insert pins from front and twist about 15 degrees to lock...a pair of needlenose, untwist the pin till it lines up with the slot, it will fall right out the other side...stack three of these pins togeter, break the center pin out, solder the 'hub' together, you now have a decent pin the shell on your ca1 plug, push the prongs in from the front side of the pins, the wire/pin will slide right out...remove/mark whats there, you have a blue shell to use... as a test, pop some more male or female wrap pins, make up your cable, carefully push them in to do your testing...

you can buy pins/connectors from 'mhotronics', but suggest the solder tab types, as the crimpers are ex-pen-sive... I found a set years ago for 15 bucks, probably done a thousand plugs with them, they work great... but honda want like 7~800 bucks a pair (KP-308 I think is the part number). they also sell ejectors pretty cheep, just i needed one before i knew where to buy... have made dozens of the wire wrap pin ones for the maintenance guys, they work fine...a ring terminal makes a good 'handle' and holds the hubs well for soldering...