Background: I've just converted from a parallel port solution to the kflop, as I was unable to get deterministic performance, regardless of the PC chosen and optimization performed. The KFLOP has been a bit daunting, as I haven't been able to connect the dots in all cases. I am attempting to interface from the KFLOP to a VFD controller board from CNC4PC, the C6 board, for spindle control. My CNC has a 2HP 3450 RPM AC motor driven by a T-Verter N2-Series VFD that uses a 0-10V analog input to control speed.

Prior to changing to the KFLOP, I had all axis' and spindle working, just not working to my satisfaction.

On the kflop, I am doing the following:

Axis 0 = x-axis (gecko 320) (working)
Axis 1 = y-axis (gecko 320) (working)
Axis 2 = z-axis (gecko 320X) (working)
Axis 3 = spindle (step and direction to C6 Board) (not working)

I am struggling understanding the following:
1. Can I use Axis 3 to drive the spindle?
2. What configuration settings do I use in kmotion?
3. How do I produce a step signal in kmotion?

What I have tried (and failed at):
The KFLOP documentation says: "it is possible to configure an Axis Channel to output current Speed directly to a DAC." This is located HERE. It references channel 7 and I am unsure if I simply change the 7 to 3 across the board and it should work or if there is some other method. I have tried changing them from 7 to 3 and have had no luck.

Help is GREATLY appreciated.


Attachment 245736