Hi! I understand my questions will be really basic, but I have started using the software really not long time ago!

1) What do I do in order to add some tools to the Hypermill data base? I need to use some special tools; for istance: a ballnose cutter and a profile reamer (2D cycles).
2) Where can I find a Hypermill manual or any kind of guide that could help me? I have to do some drilling operations and I am having a problem: in simple drilling I do not manage to select the hole center when using point selection unless I draw it; when I use line selection, instead, the tool would follow the line instead of starting to drill at the center of the circumference. So how should I do it?
3) When I open Hyperview, the stock model (in grey) is shifted from the final component (in red), so when the simulation starts the tool cuts something else. After trying to change the origin from Hypermill (in Solidworks) many times unsuccessfully, the only way I found to partially solve the problem was to change the X,Y and Z offsets manually, but it is not precise. How do I fix this problem?

I apologise for the questions being so basic, but I am really stuck!
