We have a Hitachi Seiki Hi Cell 23II bar feed lathe. We need to get at the MP scale/stater ring behind the spindle motor. We took a few things off on the back. Now the problem is there is a threaded collar on the hollow spindle shaft. The collar is locked in place by three set screws. Between where the set screw sit and the shaft are 1/8 thick by ½ square pieces of steel that protect the threaded shaft. The set screws are loose. The thing that is holding us back is how to remove the square pieces. Can not unthread the collar until these three pieces are out of there. There is no way to get a hold of the pieces and pull them out. Anybody got a clue how to remove these pieces.

BTW, if the MP scale/stater ring is bad. It has to be make and that will take 4 months.

Thanks for comments and time.
