Hi All:

This forum is huge. I wasn't sure the best place to post this. Hopefully I can get the answers I need here.

I am looking at buying a Southbend SB1001 8K lathe because - based on all my reading here- this is a higher quality lathe for the small Chinese made lathes. My intentions are to Convert it to CNC. I have run into a few issues though.
1). I hear the 8K might be discontinued and parts may be hard to get. Can anyone confirm that?
2). I don't see anyone that has converted this lathe to CNC
3). I can't seem to fin any 8X conversion kits around. Does anyone do this....anywhere.?

If the SB1001 8K is not a good candidate, than does anyone have advice for one that is? I am limited on space, so the 8K is about as large as I can fit.


Mike Norman
G-Force Racing Development