Running a stepper via pulley to the quill pinion.
My first attempt using a Nema 23 381oz/in 3.5A motor 1:2 ratio. The motor only groaned.

With the pinion removed, lifting the quill with a scale underneath read 17lbs.
Turning the pinion end, with a torque wrench, lifting the quill, read about 3lbf, or 48 ozf.

I dont understand why the motor wont turn ?
Have 381 motors 1:2 ratio, running X and Y, no prob.

I tried using the Stepper Motor Calcs xls spreadsheet, but was stumped at the Load Inertia and Load Torque part.
Its setup for leadscrew, not rack/pinion (pulley/mass).

I dont feel like guessing at this point. A larger motor, Nema 34 will also require purchasing a separate driver.