Hey guys,

I know that I don't post here very often and most people don't know who I am or what my company is all about, but that's OK. If you're interested in finding out more about ProtoSimTech, you can watch the videos on our YouTube channel for more info.

That said, we were waiting on some tools to arrive and needed something to do, so we decided to tackle a little side project. We had a 4" diameter round bar lying around the shop and figured that that would be a perfect piece to build a spindle lock for our G0704.

This is just our little version. I know there are several other versions out there and you can even purchase one from LMS for about $50. We decided it was more cost-effective to make our own. This is a variation of a spindle lock that we saw right here on the CNC forums (my apologies for not knowing which thread it was).

Here's a short video about how we made ours.
