I'm setting up an AKZ250 USB motion control card with MACH3. I have followed the setup for PWM described in the docs for the akz card but the PWM output is always at 8.94V (10V reference with a 2.2K pullup). I don't get it. Does anyone have practical experience setting up this feature of this card with MACH3? I suspect the AKZ manual must be incorrect, and that a different port setting may be needed.

To cover what I've done:
As shown in the AKZ manual :-
Config>Ports and Pins:
Spindle>use PWM,
Motors>Spindle> step = 14; dir = 0; stepPort = 1; dirPort = 1;

1) max = 23000, ratio = 1;

I've then used MDI and the Spindle control group on the main view to set the spindle speed to various in range values, and used the spindle overide from 0 to 250%

There is absolutley no change in PWM output.
I can't test the waveform because my scope died sometime ago.

Also, while I appreciate this may be the wrong forum for this particular question, it is related: if anyone has experience setting up the speed sensor, I again followed the manual for the akz and the manual for the HY220-2k2 inverter, but 1) the analog output gain setting PD055 has no effect (always outputs 10V pulses) and 2) the AKZ card reports completely random noise while the spindle is running. (and again, I've no working scope to test the specific output)
