
We are using abrasive nylon brush to clean parts on the machine after machining.
We would require a macro of some sort to “shorten” the tool offset by 0.02mm every time program is run.
We tried “L_39 (0,0)” to do this, but it only writes the given value to wear.

Example: L_39 (-0.02,0) would write -0.02 in to “WEAR” section. If run again “WEAR” would stay the same -0.02, not -0.04.

Also, which parameter is used for the minimum tool length?

Example: If our tool is 150mm long, and minimum tool length can be 135mm.
When -0.02 is applied enough times tool length would reach 135mm and then give an alarm or a warning of a tool being too short.

Any help would be appreciated.