Hi, thank you for reading. I really need help. I am unable to get my Matsuura MC-1000VS running. I will list the problem and explain what I've done so far.

Problem: My operator used the machine and somehow the 3V Memory Battery came lose in the cabinet and I lost all or most of my parameters. There were many alarms on the screen. I believe that there were like 4-6 alarms, dealing with memory and parameters.

What I done: Luckily, I have two other Matsuura MC-1000VS but older or smaller in size. I copied and compared all parameters in the PARA and OFFSET. I inputted all the parameters and values identical to one of my other Matsuura MC-1000VS. I was able to get the machine up and working perfectly with no alarms. Now here is the problem, after turning on the machine and trying to Zero Return or Home the axis (X, Y, Z), all axis will home rapidly and not slow down and I will get soft OT (Over Travel) alarm on each axis that I try to home. The axis will move a little farther then the home position.

Tech Solution: I was advised to play around with Parameter 6304, 6305, 6306 but when I do input values etc and power down and test the machine, nothing happens, still the same.

What else? Any help would be greatly appreciated. It would be great if you can call me too. If that is possible. I am located in Fresno, CA. Call me at (559)291-7749 (office) or cell phone at (559)458-1920. Ask for Chor.