Latest gen A20, we've had it since October so I like to think i know what I'm doing by now but this just has me dumbfounded.

The machine keeps overtravelling Z2 when making T31-T34 tool calls. It indexes to the first one fine, does its work, I retract, cancel offset as usual and call the next tool. The Z2 begins to move to return position as is normal, but then moves past zero into overtravel.

Now the kicker is, this only started happening once I touched off all the $2 tools. Prior to touching them off I set the values really far back (set the length to something like -2.0 so that there is just enough room for the tool retracts) and run head1 to get a part in the sub, and it runs fine, no overtravel. So I decided clear the touch off points back to what they initially were to get a part in the sub. Runs fine. Input tool setting values again and it begins to overtravel again...

I'm at a loss for words. The setting values are nothing out of the ordinary.. it just makes no sense at all. The only way I can get it to work is to input a value with the tool call, but that's a bandaid solution and doesn't let me know the problem at hand.

Also, did citizen California shut down or something? I'm on the east coast and I was staying late to get this job running and by timezone they're the only ones that were open.. yet the phone rang and rang and rang, no automated message or voicemail..

Bleh. Im starting to hate citizens more and more with all the god damn anomalies I've documented over the past years I've been doing this crap.