Might as well start a separate thread for this because my other thread has skewed onto this topic.
Think it qualifies as a benchtop machine and it IS cnc'ed so....
I just got my kit parts from MakerFarm.com to build a Reprap Prusa 3D Printer.

Have some other parts on the way, electronics, steppers, steel rods
and 3mm ABS and PLA filament.
I have $600 wrapped up but that includes some upgrades and 3mm filament.
More details later.

Also have a kit from SeeMeCNC.com that uses Mach 3 to run it.

It's a bit cheaper to build if you already have a licensed copy of Mach 3,
even more so if like me you already have the drivers, i.e. chinese boards, g540, xylotex, etc.
pretty much anything to run 4 nema 17 steppers.
I ordered the H1 Parts and Hardware Only Kit for $149.
The complete kit is only $351 (+$148 for Mach 3 if needed)
I'll post more as the parts come in.