I hope many CNC zone users have been enjoying the typefaces I have developed over the years. I'm pleased to announce the release of Monospace.

As the name implies, it's a monospaced font that is based on OCR-B. The 'Computer' font I offer is based on OCR-A, that is a funky looking font designed to be legible my computers & humans in the early days of computer development. OCR-B, that Monospace is based on, was designed with the same purpose but is much more legible because computers were far more capable when it was designed.

I am always trying to establish new partnerships with CNC software companies in order to provide you with more stick font options. I am the designer that assisted Solidworks have single line capabilities in the SolidWorks 2014 release & have worked with other companies like Rhino, FeatureCam, Homag, Hundegger, Make the Cut, CamId, Cutpath, and more. Please have your software provider contact me if they need to have more single line font capabilities. If you are unsure of how my fonts may work with your software, there is a sample font that can be downloaded from the main page of OneLineFonts.com.

 photo Prev_Mono_zps1d5zfnu9.jpg

 photo Prev_Mono_01_zpsbdebofxu.jpg

Save $5 off your purchase of $12.50 or more by using coupon code 'Monospace'. Discount ends February 13th.