
we have a cnc-lathe with four axes. (two for regular x - z) and two for extra milling unit that has also x- and z- axis.
That milling unit uses dog- style positioning, so it dont have mechanical proximity sensor for reference return.
The servo motor connector had gone loose and now it has lost its positioning. When starting up the lathe, the error: "Z70 : illegal abs" lights on.
When trying to reference return the axis just keeps going, it cannot find it´s reference point.

The servo diagnostics says that the state is ZP-RTN, zero point returning.
I have been trying all the methods for the ABS home positioning, but they dont work. All the guides are for axis that has mechanical proximity sensors for reference positioning.

Can you help me on this one?
Is there a parameter that will zero the positioning data?
If someone would have Meldas 60/60s series parameter manual?

The control is Mitsubishi Meldas M64, 60/60s series. The servo is HA80NC-S.