Ok here goes,
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between a left hand and right hand thread tap?
All I know is, if the thread on a bar is angled upwards to the right as you are looking at it, it’s a right hand thread, and left if it is angled upwards to the left.
Does it matter which (right or left tap) I buy, to make my own drive nuts.
I just can’t get my head around this.( if I tap a round bar say 40mm long and tap it with either hand tap, it shouldn’t matter , I just turn the nut round ??
The reason I am asking this is because I want to make my own anti backlash drive nuts out of derlin using trapizidol (12 x 3) lead screw, which I already have.
And if anyone can give me a few pointers on how to make these nuts I would be really grateful.
Sorry for sounding a bit thick, but hope you can help.