Hi all,

I'm posting to say Hello! as I've been a lurker on these forums for ages now and happily absorbed a whole load of learnings on cnc in general; I've a work-in-progress 3-axis gantry mill that began as a BlackToe kit which I've now rebuilt from scratch, in steel, ballscrews and all. Still very much WIP but learning more all the time (like how much further on I'd be with actual machining if I'd just spent the money on an off the shelf mill :-) )

I've also built a reprap Huxley and have been using it to print custom ABS parts for the big mill, amongst other things. It's time to sell it on and do another build with a bigger build volume, so I'll post that in the eBay ads section shortly, please check it out if you're after a working one of these.

Yours with much gratitude for the amazing amount of knowledge and expertise shared freely here, hope I can contribute someday.

All the best,
