
So I've searched all day both on google and on this forum for someone explaning how to control the huanyang VFD+spindle from mach3 via gecko540, without any luck.

I'm having trouble getting this to work.

Ive connected the +10V, Vi and ACM from VFD to the 7, 8 and 9 pins on the G540 as of the manual. The VFD was setup to correctly run from the VFD panel first (so I know its working on its own). Then I changed the PD001 and 002 to 1

I also changed the PD070's to the correct values. 0-10V = 0-400Hz, etc.

In Mach3, spindle is turned on, and step is put on pin 14, dir on 0. The port is 1 for both.

PWM is turned on, and base freq is set 50 (should this be 400?) and min PWM is set to 0%.

Spindle step is set to 1000, acc set to 1. And pulley: min 0, max 24000, ratio 1.

So when I turn on the spindle by command: M3 S10000 - nothing happens. The VFD display is not showing any difference.

What have I missed? When I get home, I will measure that Gecko actually puts out a voltage of something between 0 and 10V on the Vi.

Thanks for any and all help!!