Hello All,
This is my first post, so here goes!
This is a Colchester Triumph Electronic fitted with Fanuc 20T Control
Due to a faulty A20B-2900-0814 3meg flash rom module I lost all parameters,
not having a sram backup, I have used all parameters from another machine Colchester Mascot which has all the same hardware except the spindle motor. To over come this I have set the spindle parameters automatically 4019 #7 and 4133 with motor code and on reboot the system loads the correct parameters, this all works fine the motor ramps up and down, changes gear and runs flat out. The problem is it has no spindle speed showing on screen so you cannot tell what speed it is going. If you change parameter 4001 #2 you get the spindle speed on screen but the motor cuts out at 400 rpm after 30 sec. and will not change down to low gear and will only start in high gear manually, from the MDI screen it will start and change in all gears but cuts out above 400 rpm. HELP!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in anticipation. PS I am also looking to purchase A20B-2900-0814