I "inherited" an older Partner I "J" series / Centurion V machine that (at least) has had some software updates done to it. We're still going over the machine before running it. (Already need a keyboard encoder and a couple air solenoids.) But I have a couple questions I haven't yet come across in the forums.

It looks like they were using CAT-V type tool holders, but we haven't been able to figure out what style collet was used. As close as I can figure, they were using Single Angle TG-100 type collets. Does that sound correct? (All tooling sent with the machine is "well used" with little or no marking left on the tooling.) I am only planning on using what they sent with the machine to verify that (A) the machine works correctly and (B) what else I may need to buy before putting it into production use.)

A future change I am planning on making is swapping out the floppy drive for an alternate method of feeding information into the machine. I believe the drive still works, but we do not have any other PC's that have floppies installed. One thought is to just get an external floppy to copy files from PC to load into the machine. (Not my first choice). 2nd would be to swap the drive for either a Multicard reader OR a USB Floppy emulator. (Both have pluses / minuses.) 3rd would be to hook it up via RS232 with a PC we currently use to transfer G-Code files to a couple of antique Coherent Laser machines. (Also has pluses / minuses.)

So the question is: Can anyone give me some good info on tool holder (& collets) / retention knob choices that work well with the Milltronics mills? We are primarily going to be processing aluminum, but may end up getting into different types of steel at some point.

Thanks already for the great info I've already dug up to get us as far as I am now with this machine. (Specifically the sheet with the keyboard codes to run mill functions without use of the front keypad. It's how we figured out is WAS the encoder and not a wiring or other issue.)