Hi, I just recieved my 4-Axis controller box and have run the test in TurboCNC. All the motors are spinning and so I run one automated (TRIM4) and the jog modes. I went as far as attaching the x-axis motor in place of a dot-matrix printer's motor to run the printhead carriage. I ran jog by typing in values for x (0.347 and -0.347) and it worked great.

What I'd like to do is use 2 of these belt drive printhead assemblies, in x-y configuration, for starters just to get the hang of CNCing. I will be setting the x-axis carriage on my bench mills bed and rig up a mount for the y carriage to attach to the mill's spindle housing. The whole y carriage will be Z'd down by the mill's Z in manual mode. A Dremel mount will be attached to the y-carriage's ex-printhead holder. I downloaded Master5 and would like to try it out since I'm using WinME.

Here's the dilemma. 1) In TurboCnc, the 15 inches of travel needed only the value 0.347 to cover the distance. Is this because I'm using a belt drive that translate 1:1? What do I need to configure to travel 1 inch when I type 1 inch? 2) In Master5, I encountered the pin configuration window and entered the Pins2-9 config and the AUX pin designations as specified by Xylotex. What do I input in the "Motor Configuration" values?

Although I mustered enough to dive into this head on, including building my own CNC router table, I must say I've reached the point where I'm going to need some hand holding. What's next? I just would like to draw some simple figures first (square, triangle and circle) and be able to cut them using the above temporary machine set-up. I really am just trying to get the hang of this very new to me world of CNC before I complete my router set-up.
EC :drowning: