Dear forum members,

How are you, guys?

A friend of mine, which has lots of experience with conventional, manual milling machines, is thinking about buying a personal CNC milling machine to take his metalworking hobby to the next level.

He's looking for nothing other than the best quality home/personal/bench top CNC milling machine available (he's got about USD $9,000 to spend on it). Currently, he set his eyes on either the Tormach PCNC 1100, or the SmithyCNC 1240 Bed Mill...

What do you guys think about these two? Have any of you got to try both of them? What did you guys like/dislike about them? Any thoughts, regarding these two products, that you guys are willing to pass my way are more than welcome!

Of course, if you got any other brand/product that you think is better than the two mentioned above -- PLEASE, feel free to link me to it!

Thanks A TON you guys!

Yours greatly and looking forward to hearing from you,

Arye Segal.