Okay so first im not sure where to post this so yeah

I got a CNC router from ebay a few years ago. I put it in storage then thought about trying it out today. CNC 3020

I set up a computer and downloaded Mach3.

I'm new to everything here. I don't have any background knowledge about anything. I have a manual but it doesn't really help much with my problems.

Okay, so I set-up the ports and pins. I also tuned the motors, though I'm not sure if I tuned it correctly. The manual told me to put 400 steps, Velocity 2000, Acceleration 200, Step Pulse 10, Dir Pulse 3. I just copied those values, without any knowledge of their meaning and purpose.

Then I tried jogging it using the keyboard controls. It was fine for the positive values, they work. But when I move them the other way around (negative), it moves for a few turns then stops. Also, sometimes nothing works (even the positive movements) and sometimes it works (positive movements and the negative with the stopping after a few turns)

I also tried running a few things that i made using ArtCam. In some parts of the line, the motors work, but most of the time nothing happens - Mach3 highlights the code lines but no motors are moving.

I also tried the MDI, I typed in values like G0 X10 Y10 Z10. It works just as long as the values increase, but when i enter lower values than the previous ones, nothing happens.

Im really new to everything and I'm overwhelmed by everything happening. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or what. Or not doing something important.