Hi all...

I'm having some trouble getting my Syil SX3 to move under Mach3 control...

The XML config files from the American website dont match.... My mill is direct from China..

So, I changed the pinout according to the manual...

I can sense the limit switchs and estop... but cant get the steppers to move..

I checked the voltage... and connections.. motors get warm...

Anyone have an XML config file that matches this pin config... ??

x pulse 7
x dir 17
y pulse 6
y dir 8
z pulse 5
z dir 16
a pulse 4
a dir 14
spindle pulse 2
spindle dir 1
signal 1 3
signal 2 9
x home 12
y home 13
z home 10
a home 15
e-stop 11

I Originally posted in the syil forum...

There are some pics included... I have a feeling it may be that my parallel port has 2 ranges...
