Hello all, I have a Series 2 Interact 4 with a TNC 150B control. Here's the trouble, I either have manual pendant (sort of) or handwheel movement but not both on all axis. I say "sort of" on the pendant control because it only works in one direction. Sometimes it works in the + direction other times, in the - direction.

Typically when the machine firsts starts I can move in both + and - directiions with the hand wheel in both X, Y and Z axis. But, as soon as I rapid move with the pendant, the handwheel stops operating and I am only able to rapid travel in one direction on either axis.

Other times rapid travel with the pendant works in both directions and on both axises but no handwheel. The Z axis behaves in the same way. There seems to be no pattern as to the sequence of operation. Right now I can move in the +X with the pendant, the +-Y with the handwheel and +Z with its pendant. All other manual motion is inoperable.

I just ran the macnine through a short program that moves in all axis and it worked fine. After the program run I could move all axis with the handwheel or the pendant in both directions. But that only lasted until I went out of manual mode and back into manual mode.

Also the control is not switching between modes as I remember. Most of the time I have to hit the Estop and the the Stop button to get it to bail out of a previous block such as a manual position block move.

Any suggestions???
