oh hi im no engineer i didn't even finished grade 10! but im fascinated by the use of Epoxy Granite (lets call it EG) for machines and well everything it can be used for! i haven't read the EG thread (its a bit to much reading for me) but i don't want to talk about its scientific properties or even how to make it i just want to introduce a new thread about what EG means for industry? it seems to me that we rely so much on machines for so much in our world, we have a shortage of skilled tradesman well everywhere and with the economic problems in our world. it seems to me (a simple person) EG should be more utilized more for our world but its not! i know this is a broad subject and some of it has been talked about on other posts but what can EG do to help our industry no our world?

i may be wasting my time (its confusing me) but if anyone else wants to explore this more then lets get this started!
