Hello - I need help with getting up and running with a cnc machine we have at my place of employment. Backing up a little bit, my employer has had a brand new tabletop cnc machine for 2 years. Hasn't been used at all because no one knows how or cares to learn how to use it. It was originally purchased for woodworking - carving.

There are projects that would benefit from this cnc machine and I have taken it upon myself to learn and use this machine asap.

I turned on the pc the other day and it looks like there are software programs installed with the following names:
The controller is TMG (the motion group) CNC 4.0x3

My question is, do I need to learn all the above programs or are 1 or 2 adequate?
Are there any books or particular links I may go to learn these programs or how to operate this machine?
Basically, what route or steps do I need to operate this machine in the shortest amount of time?
Thanks for the help