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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Tormach Cnc ???

    I'm definitely in the market for this machine and have a few questions about the PCNC 1100 before I take out the loan.

    How well does it do on cutting mild steel or even stainless steel?

    My second question is about the software. I'm running two computers at the moment. I running one of my computers with my Cad & Cam software inside my house and the other computer with TurboCNC at the moment in the garage. Basically can I use all of the existing software that I have now or do I need to buy new (Cad Cam and Control software)?

    Is this a ready togo CNC (without having to modify anything) machine?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    Basically can I use all of the existing software that I have now or do I need to buy new (Cad Cam and Control software)?
    You can use your existing CAD and CAM software. I'm using Sheetcam and Meshcam, and have tweaked posts for both of them that I use. The PCNC control software that the Tormach comes with is a customized version of Mach3. It needs a fairly hefty PC (specs are in the PCNC1100 manual on Tormach's website--quite worthwhile to read through 2 or 10 more times even if you've read it already )

    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    Is this a ready togo CNC (without having to modify anything) machine?
    The Tormach was designed from the ground up as a dedicated CNC machine. No handwheels, no quill. If you haven't already read the "Personal CNC Design_v1.pdf" on the Tormach site, do so. It is a really good design analysis. The Tormach has its warts (my stand leaks coolant, for example), but I love it. It is solid and accurate. You can use it right out of the box and do wonderful work with it, especially if you have previous CNC experience (which you apparently do since you already use TurboCNC.) I had a Sherline CNC mill for 8+/- years which gave a good grounding in CNC, but moving up to the Tormach was like going from a Bobcat to a Caterpillar D6

    Best regards,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Did'nt mean to break your forum but I just have to say.


    It's good to see you on CNCzone!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    How well does it do on cutting mild steel or even stainless steel?

    "You can use your existing CAD and CAM software. I'm using Sheetcam and Meshcam, and have tweaked posts for both of them that I use. The PCNC control software that the Tormach comes with is a customized version of Mach3. It needs a fairly hefty PC (specs are in the PCNC1100 manual on Tormach's website--quite worthwhile to read through 2 or 10 more times even if you've read it already )"

    Never heard of SheetCam or MeshCam. TurboCad, ummm I wonder if I could incorporate my Macintosh computers into my workflow...... I know they make this program universal for mac and PC, but wonder if the DXF file would work without being corrupted. Now I've never got into 3D molds yet, mostly 2.5D parts, so I can save a little money there.

    Mach3 included, how well is the performing? I've read a few things here and there. Any problems with yours?

    Sorry for all of the questions, I'm trying to get a feel of what I'm about to get into.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    How well does it do on cutting mild steel or even stainless steel?
    Sorry, someone else will have to answer that one. I've only cut aluminum, brass and acrylic so far. There are a couple of videos with accompanying PDF explanations on Tormach's site that show cutting mild steel.

    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    I know they make this program universal for mac and PC, but wonder if the DXF file would work without being corrupted.
    At the most simple level, any CAM program that outputs gcode should work, maybe with a little hand-tweaking. Wouldn't matter if it were Mac or PC. I've run hand-written gcode on my Tormach. But if you're talking about CAD on the Mac, that should be OK too. DXF is DXF pretty much. I stick to R13-flavor DXF since it's really compatible. For 2.5D work Sheetcam is excellent. It takes DXF input and you can do pretty sophisticated pocketing, outlining, drilling etc. with it. A trial version comes with the PCNC software.

    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    Mach3 included, how well is the performing? I've read a few things here and there. Any problems with yours?
    There have been a couple of glitches with the tool table (I discovered one, and have some broken cutters to attest to that...) but for me it release 1.5 has been working very solidly. I have uninstalled PCNC2 so I'm pretty confident with 3. Disclaimer: I don't have a rotary axis so I can't say anything about that.

    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    Sorry for all of the questions, I'm trying to get a feel of what I'm about to get into.
    I don't blame you--it's a large investment. I sold two smaller mills to help pay for mine. If you're in Northern California you're welcome to come over to see mine--I enjoy showing it off. But I think you're back East? Tormach has a list of owners that are willing to show their machines. Maybe there is one in your area...

    Best regards,


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!

    Yes the machine/motors seems to have alot of torch, that's why I asked. I'm more than sure this machine could handle steel, but thought I'd ask.

    I wish I was in your area, I'd love to come see it. I'll check that out, maybe I can find someone near me. Damn I really want this machine!!!

    I have a little CNC machine, and the gibs tend to get loss pretty often. Now it's a real pain in the a$$ to get them 100% leveled. My measurements for my work are very critical, and this is the main reason I plan to get a bigger and better machine. I'm really looking forward to increase my feedrate, and not have to worry about not having enough RPMs. I spend more time improving & maintaining the machine I own now, then actually making parts. Now my machine is definitely good for little work, but I need bigger.

    How is the maintenance on this machine?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    I spend more time improving & maintaining the machine I own now, then actually making parts.
    LOL, that's where I had gotten with my tweaked Sherline. http://www.prototrains.com/mill/mill.html

    Quote Originally Posted by twocik View Post
    How is the maintenance on this machine?
    I haven't used mine all that much (I don't fire it up every day for sure, but I'd probably be surprised if I put an hourmeter on it...) but with the central lubrication I haven't needed to do a whole lot to maintain it. Sweep/vacuum chips when I machine dry, sqeegee/wipe down coolant from vise and table when I machine wet, spray vise and table now and then with Boeshield.

    I have recently installed the upgraded Y-axis waycovers, which meant removing the chip pans. I tilted the base a little to bias the coolant left and back towards the sump, which also lets the coolant run gradually off the Y-axis waycover, which is level.

    I have had no electrical circuitry problems at all, but I did install new auxiliary AC sockets since the fast-ons on the originals were also fast-off.

    My Tormach has been very reliable. The worst problem I have is that coolant leaks out the base and onto the floor if I run it for more than 10 or so minutes at a time. I have not tracked down the leak, though I used a whole tube of silicone caulk when I reinstalled the drip trays, and I caulked the chip strainer into the sump. But I bought a string mop, which makes me think back to my days working as a night janitor while I was in college...

    I have made some tweaks to the coolant delivery and return system though.

    If you haven't already, join the Tormach1100 Yahoo group. It is very active, and quite a few owners (myself included) have posted pictures of their installs and tweaks.

    Best regards,


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Yes I've heard about the leak, but everyone sounds just as confused as where it's coming from. ???

    Thank you for all of the help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I recived a tormach last week at work, and im sort of impressed with it.

    I am having problems with my spindle starting sometimes, I have contacted tormach and they instructed me on what to do to find out what the problem is. I am just to busy making money with it right now to stop and diddle around with it, maby next week ill get to it. I have also noticed that if you feed into a part a little to aggresivly the motors will miss steps and plung to far into the part, its not a pretty sight.

    I also added a machine light and coolant shield for the monitor, I would recomend it to anyone.

    I have been doing some deep hole drilling in Aluminum and it worked fine, buty mostly I have been doing 3-d pockets in mild steel. It works better than I thought it would for this, and I am used to real CNC equipment. I am working with some P-20 as soon as im done these jobs so we will see how that goes. I ran for over 8 hours straight the other day and didnt have any problems.

    The control software is VERY easy to use, for the price I would recomend it for the proper application. Ours will be paid for in less than a month and then its just gravy after that.
    Live free or die

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