I have a mill that looks like a Bridgeport (not sure what it is) and the power went off about a week ago so it's dead. I think I need to stick a disk in and reboot it... not sure, but my question is- one the software chaps' site it says "do you want to download the 'slave' software" any ideas what that is? and do I need it?

Here's all the details I can find about the beast-

On the front of the quill it says "XYZ 1500"
It's CNC'd in X and Y and there's a DRO for the Z.
The control unit says "Prototrak A.G.E. 2"
On the left hand side it has a panel that says "Arco Cheer"

Obvously we had the disk(s) at some point, but my predecessor must have hidden them and I can't ask him where since he's dead.

Any help will be very much appreciated!