Hi there!
Actually, the problem is that we have 1 arrow 750 machine with an aramatic 2100 stand in production.
The problem is that it was once transferred to compact flash. This week I wanted to make a backup of the system, I took out a flash drive from the machine, inserted it into the card reader after that, I made a copy in the sector-by-sector copy mode through Acronis. But when I returned the flash drive back, I got a blue screen on the machine when it was turned on, error 0x000007b inaccessible boot device.
I tried to write this backer to another flash drive but I get the same error.
It turns out that the flash drive died when creating a backup and the backup was also created with error.

So. Please help me solve this problem.
Maybe there are people on the forum who have arrow 750.
I would be very grateful if someone sends me a backup of such a machine.