No worries, it sounds like you're doing great so far.

Since I normally CM control all of my g-code just like my real computer code I write, I went ahead and wrote a cron job on my mill to pull down any updates every minute. This process is working great for me, I just make my g-code edits (or post a g-code file from Sprutcam), commit changes to SVN and the mill automatically grabs the latest copy. Best of all for any non-software people out there, every commit creates a new version of each file you modified, so you retain all previous versions as well... this way when a mill slams into the vise, you can do a "diff" with the previous g-code to see what happened.

The setup isn't trivial and would require poking at the underlying Ubuntu, but if you guys would like to try it, I can put a detailed guide with screenshots together to post. It sure beats carrying a usb drive back and forth and in my opinion is far better than drag and drop.